Baked with Clay, Sprinkled with Star Dust

Since the beginning of the year, I have been half-heartedly reading the Bible. I still want to reflect on certain passages, but in the upcoming months I am hoping to write more on God's character - the way I, personally, encounter Him in the every day.

For the past month, our home group specifically took a look at the God's glory. The way it is manifested, particularly in the heavens above. We watched Louie Giglio's "Indescribable" (for those who haven't watched this, click HERE.) We talked about how we experience His glory. We had our minds blown by the GREATNESS of God, and His care for even the tiniest of things. There are some things I want to share:

1. We were made in God's image. 

Image can pertain to different things - not necessarily our looks. When we give our life to Jesus, we become a new creation...we align our heart with God's heart. Our body grows again, but in a different way. We grow attuned to the spiritual world. We lead a double-life so to speak, because our physical being cannot remove itself from the physical world. Our ears begin to hear God...we listen to Him. Our eyes see things differently. We wear the glasses of God's hope & glory. In that sense it doesn't whether the glass is half-full or half-empty. There is a glass and there is water. Thanks be to God for whatever has been poured into the glass. God is generous and good - ALL THE TIME.

And God owns time. The older we get, the more accurately we can trace our steps and see how God has walked beside us all along. We have the privilege to live IN time (this time!) and should leave the timing for life up to God. You didn't determine your birth. You won't determine your death. What makes us think that we can determine everything in between?

Yesterday, somebody told me that she smelt the Holy Spirit. Amazing! God's presence, if He wants to show us that He is there, limits itself to our 'puny' 5 senses. He has given us enough hardware to connect with us on all kinds of levels. We are already a multi-functional device. And we should use our whole being to connect with our Father.

God built all of creation from the same building blocks. And that's my next point...

2. We are Sons and Daughters of Atom/Adam

We tend to focus on the big things in life. However, God has dedicated just as much time to the minutest organisms on this planet as He has with the most gigantic. I marvel at nature's harmony - especially when humans are out of the picture. There is no need to go into detail about atoms. Atoms are already so small...but now people can split them. Physicists are researching particles, the constituents of matter. Quantum physics is certainly an exciting field of study. It's incredible how much detail can go into something so ridiculously small. A true miracle!

We are the offspring of God's original creation. We have been corrupted throughout the ages. And yet, we can return to the place where it all started. The tree on which Jesus was crucified is our ticket to salvation and an afterlife in whatever God has prepared for us behind the scenes.

This planet is God's stage. It has all the gimmicks, tricks and special effects. Backstage is where things get real. The make-up comes off and we are confronted by the truth. In a way, it is more beautiful than the fake facade we are called to believe in. Meeting the director of the show called life is my only real wish.

Imagine or remember a time when somebody revealed a secret or something that made your brain explode, figuratively speaking!? When we leave this world behind, I hope that feeling will be maximised to a degree that nobody can comprehend. It will be like the huge implosion of a star....

3. We are so insignificant and yet the God of the universe loves US

The Milky Way galaxy in which our planet is situated is massive. It is extraordinarily big. And yet there is more. This just came in this week: Black Hole 12 Billion Times Bigger Than Sun.

How can one even begin to fathom how big that is? (THIS might help.)

When we look at our house, there are all kinds of gadgets that we have. We buy the biggest TV. We have the biggest fridge. We have the latest technology (or want to own it). We buy i-this, i-that. And this desire to enjoy life and have fun...playing within our environment...that must also be an inherent trait of God.

He loves to see us play. And he provided us with a spectacular planet. Our senses get a taster of what heaven might be like...fresh ocean water splashing on our faces, the sun heating our skin, lying in the grass with a picnic, walking through a forest...hiking up a mountain. God has offered us everything to change our view on life whenever we want to. His software is needs no update! Not anymore. The next time, it won't be an update. It will be the taking apart of the device by the mighty manufacturer.

God loves to play. I'd like to think that every day He creates new stuff on his workbench. And He has all the time in the world, because His existence is outside of time.

So little of this earth has been explored. There are still the oceans and the entire underneath layer of the earth. People still discover new insects...and new species. Perhaps, when we kill off a species, God is like: "Alright...thanks for destroying my wonderful Dodo. Here's is a Yeti Crab!"

We are lucky to serve such a creative God. And just think about all the jobs man has created for himself. Don't you think God already knew about these jobs way before He created us. He knew we were going to have Cat Behaviour Consultants or Shredded Cheese Authorities. He is Lord of ALL.


So, there was a time when people believed the world was flat. Like a pizza flat. Then we thought the Sun revolved around us, the earth...And now we have incredible telescopes & satellites & technologies that can do more than ever. And still, we are left asking: Why are we here?

My conclusion: 
We should be joyful and embrace that the same breath that created the stars, breathed life into us. God, the baker of life, baked us with clay and sprinkled star dust on top. And every bun is precious!

Worth dying for. Worth living for. Worth loving for...
