
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)

I am not a huge fan of running. I mean, there is running and then there is...well...RUNNING. You can run for the train, or run to be on time at work. There are plenty of people who habitually go running to keep themselves fit or to prepare for a race.

I've always preferred running as part of something else, for instance a ball-game such as football or basketball. The moment my focus is on the ball, it seems I can run forever. When I just go running on the road (even when I'm listening to music), it seems like the end couldn't come fast enough. It's different when I run in the forest, because you have to watch out for obstacles. Plus, passing by trees and plants appears to make my running faster.

Today's verse is part of a greater message by Paul towards every Christian (including discipline!).

Many of us struggle with endurance. I certainly do, because I get easily bored doing the same thing. But this endurance is different. Our running is WITH & TOWARDS Jesus. He also runs behind us...and He is standing in the crowd cheering us on. As you are running, He is telling you to drop all the unnecessary items, like your phone or step tracker (God won't check how many steps you did in life or how often you tripped up. You just need to make the one step that is following Jesus!).

All you need are your sandals of readiness! (Ephesians 6:15) Being ready to respond to God throughout the race.

Jesus, like the ball, is my focus and therefore I am certain that I can endure this race of faith.

What about you?
