
"Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!" (1 Chronicles 16:11 - ESV)

The Bible often speaks about seeking the Lord. To someone who hasn't encountered Christ, this might seem odd. 

Where do you seek this Lord? Do you have to go some place special to find Him?

One of my fondest childhood memories with my father, are the times he would come home. We'd have this ritual where I'd go hide in the same place - every single time. He'd obviously play along and pretend he couldn't find me. 

Our relationship with God is different. He doesn't ever hide from us! Life is not a game of 'Hide & Seek'. 

I don't think this verse means we should actually search for God's presence. It's always there. 

Recently, I've been reading this book 'With' by Skye Jethani, in which he aims to realign our focus on a relation with Jesus. One that is continuous and doesn't just exist when we require something from him. It's an excellent read so far!

The point is that God doesn't step outside the room. We're the ones who step outside of His presence, by following distractions and worldly endeavours. 

So I believe this verse is prompting us to get back into the room with face Him and be in constant communion with Him. If Christ lives in us, then it's us who ignore Him. Not he us. 

May His strength build you up and his gracious ways encourage you to push on through the night!
