
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength." (Proverbs 17:22 - NLT)

This past week, many churches have been addressing the growing epidemic of mental illness (e.g. depression) within church leadership. It's been spurred on by church pastor Andrew Stoecklein's suicide a week ago. Needless to say, the situation is utterly heart-breaking. Especially when you read the following article about the aftermath of his suicide and how his wife has to explain the many 'Why?' questions to her sons. (Click here for the article)  

My family has discussed the matter of suicide as well and it is a highly delicate subject. We have found Ravi Zacharias' take on the matter on the most articulate.

When I read today's verse, I am deeply encouraged. Following on from yesterday's verse - where David declares how God is our shield and strength - it is comforting to know that Jesus steps in when our strength disappears.

Nobody can have a cheerful heart all the time. Life's trials sometimes get the better of us. I'd be lying if I told you that I never came to a place in my life where everything appeared hopeless. Following Christ does not make you immune to the daily struggles and the arrows from the enemy.

But God's shield is big enough and He can protect us. More importantly, we are all called to seek Him for the answers to our 'Why?' questions.

I appeal to especially those people, who feel that God is no longer listening and believe that nothing and nobody can help them out. Recognise your emotional and spiritual state...and surround yourself with people who can revive your cheerful heart.

God wants you to build His kingdom...HERE AND NOW. If you believe He is Lord over all, then He should be the only one who gets to decide over life and death. Jesus said that He is life (John 14:6). Please choose LIFE!
